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"Upper Marlboro - Lords Landing Village"

Garden Apartment Condominium Unit 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths Ground Floor Access
13538 Lord Sterling Place
Upper Marlboro, MD
Prince George's County
Show on Map
SOLD $197,925
October 13, 2021 AT 12:00PM

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“Lords Landing Village”

Garden Apartment
2 Bedrooms ◆ 2 Baths
~Ground Floor Access~

Known As:
Upper Marlboro, Prince George’s County, MD 20772

NOTE: The information contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable and is believed to be accurate. However, no express or implied warranty is made or may be inferred from any such representation. Dimensions, square footage and acreage contained herein are more or less. Prospective purchasers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence, in advance of the auction, regarding the permitted uses of the property.

13538 Lord Sterling Place is located in the town of Upper Marlboro in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The condominium is a part of the Lords Landing Village Community and is a member of the Villages of Marlborough association, comprised of twelve neighborhood associations in the downtown Upper Marlboro area. The property is conveniently located just 25 minutes southeast from Washington DC. Within 5 minutes are restaurants, grocery stores and entertainment options for residents. The condominium community features walking trails into the Western Branch Stream Valley Park and playgrounds. Public transportation is available on Lords Landing Road, just outside of the community. Public schools in the area are Barack Obama Elementary School, James Madison Middle School and Dr. Henry A Wise, Jr. High School, according to the Prince George’s County Public School’s Locator.

PGCPS School Finder –
Town of Upper Marlboro –
Lords Landing Village Condominium –
Prince George’s County Government –

Community amenities include trash, snow removal, landscaping and exterior maintenance. Monthly condominium fee is $295. Condominium Resale Package

The condominium is also subject to a $146 annual fee to the Villages of Marlborough Community Association. Association Documents

Ground floor unit, containing 984 square feet, built in 1990, according to public tax records. The unit is comprised of living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The property will transfer with a home warranty good through February 23, 2022. Previously rented for $1,650 per month.

Unit Plat

In fee simple. The property is sold free and clear of liens. Prince George’s County Deed Book 41465, Page 154.

Published annual real estate taxes are $1,734, based on a full value assessment of $120,000.

Please see the contract of sale for complete terms.
A 10% deposit, payable by cashier’s check, will be required of the purchaser. Deposit funds shall be held by A. J. Billig & Co., LLC. Balance to be paid in cash at settlement, which shall take place within 45 days. If payment of the deposit or balance does not take place within the specified time, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property may be resold at the risk and expense of the purchaser.  Interest to be charged on the unpaid purchase money, at the rate of 12% per annum, from date of contract to date of settlement. All adjustments, including taxes, condominium fees, HOA fees,  all other public charges and assessments payable on a monthly or annual basis, and sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if any, to be adjusted for the current year to date of contract and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. The property will be sold in “AS IS” condition, and subject to easements, agreements, restrictions or covenants of record affecting same, if any, including those contained in the Declaration and Bylaws of the Lords Landing Village Condominium Association and the Villages of Marlborough Community Association. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of contract forward. Purchaser agrees to waive any right of rescission under Maryland Condominium Law and the Maryland Homeowners Association law, if applicable. If the Seller is unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit. Upon refund of the deposit this sale shall be null and void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Seller or Auctioneers. Recordation costs, transfer taxes and all costs incidental to settlement to be paid by the purchaser except where otherwise mandated by local, State or Federal law. Time is of the essence. A 5% buyer’s premium will be added to the final bid price.

"Upper Marlboro - Lords Landing Village"
Garden Apartment Condominium Unit 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths Ground Floor Access
13538 Lord Sterling Place
Upper Marlboro, MD
Prince George's County
Show on Map
SOLD $197,925
October 13, 2021 AT 12:00PM

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