Call: 410-296-8440
6500 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 21209

"Southwest Baltimore - Lakeland"

Two story inside-group townhome
2437 Harriet Avenue
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City
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Auction Closed
Jul 12, 10:20 AM - Jul 12, 10:30 AM
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Registration Closed
Onsite Bidder Registration

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 Ronald B. Katz, P.A.
11403 Cronridge Drive – Suite 230
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Piel Law Firm
502 Washington Avenue – Suite 730
Towson, MD 21204


– Separate & Entirety Offerings –

Known As:
Baltimore, MD 21230
Baltimore, MD 21223

Sale to Be Held at the
Circuit Court for Baltimore City
Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., Courthouse
100 N. Calvert Street
Courthouse Door – Calvert Street Entrance
Baltimore, MD 21202
Google Map

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2022
AT 10:30 A.M.

NOTE: The information contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable and is believed to be accurate. However, no express or implied warranty is made or may be inferred from any such representation. Dimensions, square footage and acreage contained herein are more or less. Prospective purchasers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence, in advance of the auction, regarding the permitted uses of the property.

Please see the link below for the complete legal advertisement for the foreclosure. The following information is provided for marketing purposes only.

1917 and 2014 Harman Avenue are located in the Morrell Park neighborhood in Southwest Baltimore. The neighborhood is positioned along Washington Boulevard, with excellent access into Downtown Baltimore, I-95, I-895 and the Ports of Baltimore. Surrounding homes are predominantly townhomes, with some single family homes north and west of the subject blocks.

2437 Harriet Avenue and 3015 Elizabeth Avenue are located in the Lakeland community in Southwest Baltimore. The neighborhood is positioned along W. Patapsco Avenue and Hollins Ferry Road. As with Morrell Park, the location affords excellent access to major highways and employment centers throughout the area. Surrounding homes are comprised predominantly of brick townhomes constructed in the 1950s.

535 S. Longwood Street is located in the Gwynns Falls community in Southwest Baltimore. The neighborhood is positioned between Frederick Avenue and Wilkens Avenue, east of S. Caton Avenue. St. Agnes Hospital. Downtown Baltimore and Carroll Park are all nearby. Surrounding properties are more varied, with many different home types, special purpose building and commercial buildings all in the nearby area.

1917 Harman Avenue is improved by a two story end-of-group brick townhome believed to contain 5 rooms (2 BR), bath and basement. Lot size: 22′ x 89′, more or less – Plat. Subject to an annual $90 ground rent.

2014 Harman Avenue is improved by a two story inside-group townhome believed to contain 5 rooms (2 BR), bath and basement. Lot size: 14′ x 88’6″, more or less – Plat. In fee simple.

2437 Harriet Avenue is improved by a two story inside-group townhome believed to contain 6 rooms (3 BR) and bath. Lot size: 16′ x 104′, more or less – Plat. Subject to an annual $90 ground rent.

3015 Elizabeth Avenue is improved by a two story inside-group townhome believed to contain 6 rooms (3 BR) and bath. Lot size: 16′ x 100′, more or less – Plat. Subject to an annual $90 ground rent.

535 Longwood Street, also known as 535 South Longwood Street, is improved by a two story inside-group townhome believed to contain 6 rooms (3 BR), bath and basement. Lot size: 15’1″ x 83’4″, more or less – Plat. Subject to an annual $72 ground rent.

The properties will be offered individually first, with the bids reserved. They will then be offered as an entirety. The Substitute Trustees, in their sole and absolute discretion, shall determine the successful purchaser(s) of the properties based on highest cumulative bid price.

A $5,000 deposit per property, and $25,000 if sold as an entirety, payable by cashier’s check, will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. The deposit shall be increased to 10% of the purchase price within two (2) business days at the Auctioneer’s Office.

For complete Terms of Sale, see the: Legal Advertisement

"Southwest Baltimore - Lakeland"
Two story inside-group townhome
2437 Harriet Avenue
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City
Show on Map
Auction Closed
Jul 12, 10:20 AM - Jul 12, 10:30 AM
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Registration Closed
Onsite Bidder Registration

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