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John W. Anderson
Sheriff of Baltimore City
100 N. Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Sale On Premises
Baltimore, MD 21212
AT 2:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of Execution passed in the matter of John Ahearn, Plaintiff/Judgement Creditor v. Mary Elizabeth Ahearn, Defendant/Judgement Debtor, Case No. 24-C-11-007292/RJ, issued out of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, the Sheriff will sell all of the Defendant’s right, title and interest in the real property, as follows:
All that fee simple lot of ground and the improvements thereon, situate and lying in Baltimore City, State of Maryland and being more fully described in the Deed dated March 28, 2007 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber 09294, page 0734, being known as 313 Taplow Road; lot size 59′ x 148’6″, more or less.
According to public tax records, the property is improved by a two story brick colonial home, built in 1930, containing 1,920 square feet of living area, 1,030 square feet of basement space, one fireplace and 2.5 baths.
TERMS OF SALE: A $20,000 deposit, payable by certified check or cashier’s check, will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. The holder of the indebtedness, if a bidder at the sale, shall not be required to post a deposit. Balance to be paid in cash at settlement, which shall take place within five (5) business days following final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. If payment of the balance does not take place within the specified time, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property may be resold at the risk and expense of the purchaser. All adjustments as of date of sale. The property will be sold in “AS IS” condition, without express or implied warranty as to the nature and description of the improvements as contained herein; and subject to easements, agreements, restrictions or covenants of record affecting same, if any. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property and assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. The purchaser waives and releases the Sheriff of Baltimore City, the holder of the indebtedness, the Auctioneers, and their respective agents, successors and assigns from any and all claims the purchaser and/or its successors and assigns may now have or may have in the future relating to the condition of the property, including but not limited to the environmental condition thereof. Recordation costs, transfer taxes and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. Time shall be of the essence for the purchaser.
No Buyer’s Premium